5 Things to Consider before Buying Wooden Kitchen Worktops

Wood has for a long time been a popular choice of material for kitchen worktops. Even with the introduction of other materials such as granite, Corian and quartz, wooden kitchen worktops continue to be an all-time favourite. This is mainly associated with the many advantages that these worktops present.

wood-kitchen-worktopsBesides, wooden worktops are part of green movement as they are fully renewable with most of them being gathered from recycled sources in addition to being bid

Interestingly, not all wooden worktops UK are the same despite sharing common properties. This is because different kinds of timer are used ranging from oak to teak, beech, walnut and maple among others.

Solid wooden worktops are not only easy to shape but also fit hence, the installation process is quick as the worktop is not set away for cutouts. Wood counters are versatile and ideal for modern as well as traditional kitchens.

Moreover, wooden kitchen worktops strike a great balance between functionality, affordability and visual appeal. Thus, while it is not as cheap as laminate worktops it is also not hard wearing like granite hence can work for just about any kitchen design. Unlike granite that is unforgiving and cold wood is more warm and nicer to be around.

If you are considering buying wooden kitchen worktops, here are some things you need to consider:

  • Moisture – It is rather obvious that water and wood do not mix. Even then, most of the time worktops tend to be around moisture from sinks and foods yet the finish needs to be maintained. The recommended finish of choice for the butcher block tops is mineral oil if you are not using the work surfaces at a butcher block. Although there are other finishes like lacquers and urethanes, these are not food grade finishes. The major disadvantage here is that the oil finishes need to be applied on a monthly basis. Thus, the possible solution would be treating your wooden worktops as more of a tabletop and less of a cutting board.
  • Cracking and splitting – Wood is organic in nature hence it is subject to warping, cracking, splitting, burning and even discoloration depending on the degree of neglect or abuse. For instance, if your kitchen door looks split and weathered, it is likely due to neglect. Keep in mind that wood needs to be well maintained to bring out its timeless beauty.
  • Stains – In the event that your wooden kitchen worktops are stained, you can consider having them sanded out. Even then, you need to avoid splitting and warping. Most importantly ensure that your provider will seal the surface with a sealant that is not just waterproof but also durable.
  • Sinks – When installing a sink on your wooden worktop UK, it is crucial to ensure that the worktop is finished with durable material to avoid warping, splitting or blackening.
  • Joinery – When buying your wooden worktop from BBK Direct, you need to ask the experts about how they will join the strips to form the tops without having ugly seams exposed.

Wooden kitchen worktops are an excellent choice of worktops as they are renewable, hence a green alternative that are gathered from recycled sources. Even then, you need to take all the factors discussed into consideration so that you make the most of your investment.